GearBest Review
Gearbest products benefit from complex and detailed descriptions of their efficiency and quality, making sure you know what you are buying. In addition, each product has a series of reviews that will help you get ideas on how the product looked on delivery and how it has behaved over time, from verified consumers. For an online retailer that deals with international delivery, the products arrive fairly quickly. Often it can happen to receive defective or non-compliant products, but the customer relations team takes care of the situation promptly and quickly, replacing your products for free or returning your invested money.
Useful information about GearBest
The store offers a total of 4 delivery methods for most of the available destinations, with an estimated delivery time between a minimum of one business day and a maximum of 45 days. The cost of delivery can be calculated only after entering all the necessary data, taking into account the weight of the package, the warehouse from which it is shipped, the country of destination and the method of delivery chosen. The store offers a money back guarantee within 45 days of purchase, free of charge.
The currently accepted delivery methods are made exclusively online, without the possibility of payment in a refund system. Thus, you can pay by secure methods online, by debit or credit card Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, as well as by PayPal or bank transfer.
Info about how to use a GearBest coupon code
Any Gearbest coupon code can be entered within the purchase completion page, before selecting the payment method, in a special space on the right side of the window. After the registration of the code, the reduction value will be applied automatically and you will be shown the total payment.