MATCHESFASHION Cupón España → Cupón promocional → Ofertas

Tipo de ofertaDetalles de descuentoExpira
CupónCódigo promocional MatchesFashion para artículos OUTLET: 20% de descuento adicional12 julio
CupónAhorre un 25% de código promocional en MATCHESFASHION.com20 junio
Cupóncódigo de descuento del 15% en primer pedido superior a 200 EUR28 marzo
CupónDisfrute de un código de cupón del 15% en pedido en la aplicación15 Mayo

Cupones y ofertas de tiendas similares


How can I cancel an order from the store?

Canceling an unprocessed order can be done with just a few clicks, selecting the order from the client account. For orders already shipped, you must contact the customer service, but most of the time, in this case you will have to wait for the parcel to arrive and send it for return.

How can I return the ordered products from this store?

You have 14 days from receiving the order to send the products back to the store, according to the return form available within the site.

How can I pay at the store?

You can use most types of debit or credit cards, including Visa, American Express, MasterCard and Discover.

What is the biggest discount offered by a MatchesFashion coupon or a promotional offer?

The store has a promotional offer available non-stop within the site, which lowers the price of thousands of products by up to 50%, replacing the products offered daily.

How can I save money when I buy from this store?

The store does not have too many options where you can benefit from discounts, because it is based exclusively on the promotions available on its page, where you can find discounts of up to 50% for products from all categories.

What can I buy from this store?

The main products you can find in this shop are those of clothing and footwear for men and women, but here you can also find a wide range of accessories and jewelry that will complement any outfit, as well as some products specially selected for gifts. suitable for any occasion.

What are the contact details of

Both the phone number +44 (0) 20 7022 0828, as well as the e-mail are always available to you if you encounter a problem in the purchase process or with the ordered products. Also, to shorten the time and make the process more efficient, you can fill out a contact form where you can enter all the essential details of your problem. If the Social Media part is more accessible to you, by following the username @matchesfashion you can find the store on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and even YouTube.

Última actualización de cupones: hoy
09 noviembre 2024

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